Wani Robert
My name is Wani Robert and I am 12 years old. I am in Primary 2 at Ubuntu Model Primary School. I am an orphan. My parents died. I live with my aunt but we are poor. Some days we only have one meal or even no food. I have lived here for 7 years.
At my school, I like the teaching and my favorite subject is Maths.
I drew myself with a sad face.

Education is key for a healthy development of a child. Education is the first step in escaping the cycle of poverty. Education is an investment into a brighter future.
Unfortunetly, in Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement in Uganda many children cannot access education. Especially children who stay in the settlement without their parents or with elderly or sick caretakers struggle to cover school costs, such as fees, uniform and school material expenses.
Global Refugee Initiatives is committed to provide quality education to refugee children in Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement, no matter their socio-economic background. To secure the continuous education of the most vulnerable, we introduced a sponsporship program at our Ubuntu Model Primary School.
Become a Sponsor Today!